This life guidance draws from the Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of India and foundational scriptures in Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism.
Sanatana Dharma is a darshana, a “view” — a lens through which we can understand the world, and a “vision” — a perspective that shapes how we engage with ourselves, others, and the universe.
Vedic counseling is an inner observation into our internal reality and a Vedic counselor sets in motion a deeper process of observation and investigation in the individual with the goal of awakening an already-present deeper intelligence (Frawley, Kshirsagar, the Art and Science of Vedic Counseling).
This approach encompasses philosophical, spiritual, and practical teachings and has the benefit of thousands of years of experience. At Rshika, the focus is on emotional regulation, self-inquiry, ethics, lifestyle and mantras.
It’s important to note that this work is neither like licensed counseling professions in the West, nor is it life coaching based on Western frameworks.​​​​
The financial commitment of counseling services can be a barrier for some seeking support. So, I offer a sliding scale fee structure. I work with you to determine a rate that is affordable. No documentation is required. Please contact me directly to discuss.